The single most important component of a high performance AV space is the room itself
Officina Acustica does not separate interior design from acoustic engineering. Our Acoustic Interior Design™ approach is unique, holistic and complete. Our acoustics is driven by engineering. Our approach is totally unique.
We help to write the book on private cinema design
Peter is HAA Certified, and an ISF Instructor. He is a member of both the AES and IET. He holds CEDIA CIT, ESC-D and ESC-N certifications. Peter has been teaching on behalf of CEDIA for over 20 years and has delivered seminars and training in 19 countries. He developed CEDIA’s first Home Cinema Design Certification back in 2008.
Peter is currently Chair of the CTA/CEDIA R10 committee that is the only independent product neutral standards body for the industry. He also chairs R10 Working Group 1 (WG1 - audio) who are currently completely re-writing the recommended practice for multichannel audio room design. When completed later in 2021, this will be THE reference for audio within private cinemas and entertainment spaces.
Maurizio is a member of both R10 and WG1.
Our engineering credibility is backed up by published works, certification and peer review.
Officina Acustica’s unique broadband approach to acoustics is the best available.
Acoustics like no-one else
Officina Acustica takes a unique approach to acoustics and builds rooms like no one else. One of the unique features of an Officina Acustica room is how predictable they are. Regardless of room size or interior design, Officina Acustica rooms at the same level all sound very similar. Some unique things we do are -
Unlike traditional stretched fabric ‘hang on the wall’ acoustic treatments, our system has an air gap between the panel and the wall behind. This gap allows us to play some really advanced acoustic tricks, including -
Moving the acoustic material out into the room a little brings it out of a high pressure into a higher velocity area. This helps our system to be highly effective at low frequencies and effectively turns every wall into a broadband bass absorber. ‘Boomy’ and uneven bass is a far greater function of the room itself than the make and model of subwoofer.
Because our construction is quite heavy, it mass loads the room. This means that the acoustics are far less affected by the rooms base construction (Concrete, vs brick vs timber etc).
An Officina Acustica Acoustic Interior Design™ system covers all four walls. Whilst you may not see any of the acoustic engineering, our construction carefully balances reflection, broadband absorption and diffusion. Everything in a room has an effect on its acoustics, and a complete, holistic Officina Acustica system ensures that all these are considered in the final result.
Have you ever walked into a home cinema and instantly felt like you have a head cold? This is because the so called ‘acoustic treatment’ in those room over absorbs high frequencies but barely touches low frequencies creating a highly un-natural acoustic creating spaces that are not pleasant to be in and just don’t sound very good. An Officina Acustica system is different. The way it’s constructed means that when we absorb bass, we don’t also absorb too much high frequency. Our rooms are incredibly linear in their absorption. This makes them great places to hang out in as they feel incredibly natural and fresh, without feeling oppressive like so many cinemas do these days.
“Standards ensure consistency of experience”
— Poppy Crum, Chief Scientist Dolby Labs
Officina Acustica is proud of its work, and puts the engineering integrity of the final result on the line at most major industry shows by collaborating with equipment manufacturers to build their demonstration spaces. At CEDIA 2019, AVS forums gave out two awards - best sound of the show, and best demo of the show. It’s no coincidence that these were given to the two rooms that Officina Acustica built for two different manufacturers, and confirms that the most important performance element of any private cinema or entertainment space is the room itself.